Key Fingerprints¶
The key fingerprints of login and export nodes can occasionally change. This page holds up-to-date fingerprints.
Each cluster can be accessed via so-called login nodes using specific hostnames. All login nodes of a cluster share common SSH key fingerprints that are unique. When connecting to one of our HPC systems via the corresponding login nodes, please make sure that the provided fingerprint matches one of the table. This is the only way to ensure you are connecting to the correct server from the very beginning. If the fingerprint differs, please contact the HPC support team.
In case an additional login node of the same cluster is used, the key needs to be checked and approved again.
Connecting with SSH to Barnard
marie@local$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:8Coljw7yoVH6HA8u+K3makRK9HfOSfe+BG8W/CUEPp0.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
In this case, the fingerprint matches the one given in the table. Thus, you can proceed by typing 'yes'.
Verify key fingerprints without login
To verify the fingerprint without login, use ssh-keyscan
and ssh-keygen
marie@local$ ssh-keyscan 2>/dev/null | ssh-keygen -l -f -
3072 SHA256:lVQOvnci07jkxmFnX58pQf3cD7lz1mf4K4b9jZrAlVU (RSA)
256 SHA256:Xan2MYazewT0V5agNazaQfWzLKBD3P48zRwR6reoXhI (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:Gn4n5IX9eEvkpOGrtZzs9T9yAfJUB200bgRchchiKAQ (ED25519)
The cluster Barnard
can be accessed via the
four login nodes login[1-4]
. (Please choose one concrete login node when
connecting, see example below.)
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:lVQOvnci07jkxmFnX58pQf3cD7lz1mf4K4b9jZrAlVU |
RSA | MD5:5b:39:ae:03:3a:60:15:21:4b:e8:ba:72:52:b8:a1:ad |
ED25519 | SHA256:Gn4n5IX9eEvkpOGrtZzs9T9yAfJUB200bgRchchiKAQ |
ED25519 | MD5:e8:10:96:67:e8:4c:fd:87:f0:c6:4e:e8:1f:53:a9:be |
ECDSA | SHA256:Xan2MYazewT0V5agNazaQfWzLKBD3P48zRwR6reoXhI |
ECDSA | MD5:02:fd:ab:c8:39:f9:94:cc:3f:e0:7e:78:5f:76:b8:4c |
The cluster Romeo
can be accessed via the two
login nodes login[1-2]
. (Please choose one concrete login node when
connecting, see example below.)
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:BvYEYJtIYDGr3U0up58q5F7aog7JA2RP+w53XKmwO8I |
RSA | MD5:5d:dc:40:3b:8b:89:77:5d:0f:29:84:31:0f:73:25:9f |
ED25519 | SHA256:QNjH0ulelqykywMkt3UNTG4W1HzRkHqrhu0f6oq302I |
ED25519 | MD5:e4:4e:7a:76:aa:87:da:17:92:b1:17:c6:a1:25:29:7e |
ECDSA | SHA256:lgxNRgGcKe7oDGuwf0WV9VPukA30kEqg0sNDLLQwu8Y |
ECDSA | MD5:e1:bd:e4:77:06:97:f9:f3:03:18:56:66:14:5d:8d:18 |
The cluster Capella
can be accessed via the
two login nodes login[1-2]
. (Please choose one concrete login node when
connecting, see example below.)
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:8YfGsVKsM9cdmngIJjD7HmDRF3OA1v6rc/6Sa7QnsHw |
RSA | MD5:59:67:38:7c:91:a5:36:1f:d5:5c:3c:b8:99:e5:4d:62 |
ED25519 | SHA256:pdnv4nvxq3UWMqAosme0vvlqsqxqXnjbYHkrcqYjdsg |
ED25519 | MD5:31:15:37:f6:49:8b:80:18:2f:b0:d1:d1:d7:70:53:d4 |
ECDSA | SHA256:0GrEjfFXz1mtaCYj2oeTqKgS1E6/F7ZaYBm0BUHo2Y0 |
ECDSA | MD5:a4:5e:41:96:35:60:54:5c:9f:43:a3:1d:e8:ec:10:ae |
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:XK6axSenE02CkXtg4cL720R6H5y4gE4XOQSrBF1b42M |
RSA | MD5:23:9e:c5:48:80:69:e0:99:66:ea:19:d9:df:8f:cf:70 |
ED25519 | SHA256:p5XR74Tzemw09o8/0Z3IogE5b45w8rZq1mjZMaJM3jY |
ED25519 | MD5:ba:a4:93:41:cc:1f:84:43:e3:ce:29:0c:ad:65:9c:eb |
ECDSA | SHA256:FptiRI1CgwWQdb/a63Wi0z986w5xlyow7zIfc1mf5hM |
ECDSA | MD5:9a:ee:f9:a0:d2:cb:6c:b3:bc:6a:10:c2:03:28:5e:da |
Alpha Centauri¶
The cluster Alpha Centauri
can be
accessed via the two login nodes login[1-2]
. (Please choose one concrete
login node when connecting, see example below.)
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:BvYEYJtIYDGr3U0up58q5F7aog7JA2RP+w53XKmwO8I |
RSA | MD5:5d:dc:40:3b:8b:89:77:5d:0f:29:84:31:0f:73:25:9f |
ED25519 | SHA256:QNjH0ulelqykywMkt3UNTG4W1HzRkHqrhu0f6oq302I |
ED25519 | MD5:e4:4e:7a:76:aa:87:da:17:92:b1:17:c6:a1:25:29:7e |
ECDSA | SHA256:lgxNRgGcKe7oDGuwf0WV9VPukA30kEqg0sNDLLQwu8Y |
ECDSA | MD5:e1:bd:e4:77:06:97:f9:f3:03:18:56:66:14:5d:8d:18 |
The cluster Julia
can be accessed via
. (Note, there is no separate login node.)
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | MD5:5f:22:e2:e2:c3:dc:b1:ee:a9:ba:61:af:34:f6:27:f0 |
ED25519 | SHA256:k5zc2E0Y8zcLErDD1Ej3g0OqkoLDF22ADmfX+b+8Z9g |
ED25519 | MD5:41:03:a2:7c:e9:4d:1c:bd:30:77:7d:91:d7:93:9f:8c |
ECDSA | SHA256:LkHMlx6VewoPBvOhmNbue8kBsvlljtsEAjCZA8vxRWc |
ECDSA | MD5:3f:5a:f2:f9:9d:30:5c:83:c0:e5:0e:87:42:1a:d8:b0 |
The cluster Power9
can be accessed via the
login node
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:BvYEYJtIYDGr3U0up58q5F7aog7JA2RP+w53XKmwO8I |
RSA | MD5:5d:dc:40:3b:8b:89:77:5d:0f:29:84:31:0f:73:25:9f |
ED25519 | SHA256:QNjH0ulelqykywMkt3UNTG4W1HzRkHqrhu0f6oq302I |
ED25519 | MD5:e4:4e:7a:76:aa:87:da:17:92:b1:17:c6:a1:25:29:7e |
ECDSA | SHA256:lgxNRgGcKe7oDGuwf0WV9VPukA30kEqg0sNDLLQwu8Y |
ECDSA | MD5:e1:bd:e4:77:06:97:f9:f3:03:18:56:66:14:5d:8d:18 |
Dataport Nodes¶
When you transfer files using the dataport nodes, please make sure that the fingerprint shown matches one of the table.
Key Type | Fingerprint |
RSA | SHA256:OERcJO6kEh+2MIhUs9U7umP0lcn8PmZpL7w5x5eJO7Y |
RSA | MD5:7d:d3:2e:00:3a:7f:10:4b:19:71:93:0a:b1:f4:fc:3f |
ED25519 | SHA256:/8v4QqM1jfqL7ZANJS+d26N3xfJYLWuaU8zCGc27GOA |
ED25519 | MD5:0e:fa:08:3f:bd:2a:53:9e:e3:db:38:5c:da:ae:0c:9c |
ECDSA | SHA256:Xr2jCqUg1zJTi+sBeLCOYhuSEeUG0AF3UfyIllctmgs |
ECDSA | MD5:c3:42:c0:2c:94:3f:97:0d:d9:48:44:c9:a0:8e:5a:68 |