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Linux Networx PC-Farm Deimos (Outdated)


This page is deprecated! Deimos is a former system!

The PC farm Deimos is a heterogeneous cluster based on dual core AMD Opteron CPUs. The nodes are operated by the Linux operating system SuSE SLES 10 with a 2.6 kernel. Currently, the following hardware is installed:

Component Count
CPUs AMD Opteron X85 dual core
RAM per core 2 GB
Number of cores 2584
total peak performance 13.4 TFLOPS
single chip nodes 384
dual nodes 230
quad nodes 88
quad nodes (32 GB RAM) 24

All nodes share a 68 TB on DDN hardware. Each node has per core 40 GB local disk space for scratch mounted on /tmp. The jobs for the compute nodes are scheduled by the Platform LSF batch system from the login nodes .

Two separate InfiniBand networks (10 Gb/s) with low cascading switches provide the communication and I/O infrastructure for low latency / high throughput data traffic. An additional gigabit Ethernet network is used for control and service purposes.

Users with a login on the SGI Altix can access their home directory via NFS below the mount point /hpc_work.


The cluster is based on dual-core AMD Opteron X85 processor. One core has the following basic properties:

Component Count
clock rate 2.6 GHz
floating point units 2
peak performance 5.2 GFLOPS
L1 cache 2x64 kB
L2 cache 1 MB
memory bus 128 bit x 200 MHz

The CPU belongs to the x86_64 family. Since it is fully capable of running x86-code, one should compare the performances of the 32 and 64 bit versions of the same code.